Sunday, September 22, 2024


Hakeem calls for more authorities to provincial councils

NINEWA / Higher Islamic Council leader Ammar al-Hakeem during his visit to Ninewa province called to grant the provincial councils more authority and a greater percentage from the national budget. In a press conference, he expressed support for Ninewa‘s local government, stressing the importance of federal decentralization, which was adopted by the constitution. He pointed out that the allocations of Ninewa province are “unjust” when compared to its population. Hakeem described his visit as “historical”. On the other side, Head of Al-Muwatin (Citizen) Bloc Baqir al-Zubaidi criticized the implementation of reconstruction projects in Iraq. Zubaidi accompanied Hakeem in his visit to Ninewa province, in addition to a number of parliamentarians. He said to that “whatever projects we have are dated to the monarchy regime”, but “our politicians are engaged in continued strife which began in 1959”. Ninewa Governor Atheel Nujaifi welcomed this visit as “historical and important”, that will enhance internal cohesion among the Iraqi people. RM (TI)/SR2957