Sunday, September 22, 2024


Inquiry launched into missing ID 7 trillion from 2009 budget – Ahrar Bloc

BAGHDAD / An MP from the al-Ahrar (Liberal) bloc said on Monday that his bloc will launch an inquiry into the absence of 7 trillion Iraqi dinars from the 2009 budget. “The amount was lost because of officials’ neglect and the administrative and financial corruption,” Abdulhussein Rissan said in a statement received by news agency. “Economic problems will not be handled apropriately because of the absence of the final statements of 2011 and of previous years,” he explained. “Al-Ahrar bloc still insists on Shiite Cleric’s Muqtada al-Sadr’s demand to not vote on the budget unless it includes a clause stipulating the allocation of a share of the oil is distributed among the Iraqi people,” he concluded. On Saturday, reported that the head of the Financial Auditing Divan rejected endorsing and authenticating the final Iraqi budget’s financial statements for the previous years. SH (TS)/SR 581