Sunday, September 22, 2024


Scores demonstrate in Baghdad for reform

 Scores demonstrate in Baghdad for reform

Demonstrations at Tahrir Square, Baghdad on February 24 – 2012.

Demonstrations at Tahrir Square, Baghdad on February 24 - 2012.

BAGHDAD / Scores of citizens on Friday staged a massive demonstration in al-Tahrir square in central Baghdad, on the eve of the first anniversary of mass protests in which 16 people were killed across the country last year. “The demonstrators’ requests include political reforms, improvements in services such as electricity, offering job opportunities and fighting corruption,” news agency correspondent said. They underlined that they will continue their protest on Saturday (Feb.25) in memory of the first demonstration against corruption. The protest ended amid tight security measures. A total of 16 people died and more than 130 were wounded in clashes with police during demonstrations across Iraq on Friday, February 25 last year. Two days later, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki gave his cabinet 100 days to improve the delivery of services to Iraq‘s people or face “changes,” but no one was ultimately fired.