Sunday, September 22, 2024


iya: gov’t has to stop bloodshed or resign

BAGHDAD / The official spokesperson of al-Iraqiya Bloc, Mayson al-Damlouji, demanded the government to bear responsibility and stop bloodshed or to present its resignation. This came in a statement received by news agency. The statement from al-Iraqiya Bloc came after a bloody day as a series of car bombs and suicide attacks hit Baghdad, Salah al-Din, Kirkuk, Diala, and Babel. At least 50 persons were killed and scores others were wounded in the attacks, according to security sources, while the interior ministry said that 22 blasts took place in 19 regions in the country, leaving around 400 casualties. For its part, the Iraqi Islamic Party strongly condemned the explosions, noting that the attacks show a “big security failure”. “Reasons behind today’s explosions due to the absence of an efficient security system,” the party said in a statement. SH (TP)/SR 2684