Saturday, September 28, 2024


Egypt lawmaker urges govt. to boycott summit over yellow remittances

 Egypt lawmaker urges govt. to boycott summit over yellow remittances

Flag of Egypt.

Flag of Egypt.


BAGHDAD / An Egyptian legislator warned Iraq over “Egyptian anger” due to delayed release of ‘yellow remittances’ worth $1.716 billion and called for boycotting the Arab summit scheduled to be hosted in Baghdad, according to al-Youm al-Sabi’e web site.Sabir Abul-Fotouh, Chairman of the Egyptian People’s Assembly Manpower Committee, said Egypt should boycott the Arab summit in Baghdad in response to “Iraq’s disregard of Egyptians’ dues”.The committee members did not accept the government officials’ justifications for the delayed release of these financial dues, adding the financial rights of Egyptian workers are now 22 years old while negotiations in this respect started only one year ago.Dr.Essam al-Iryan, the chairman of the parliament’s foreign affairs committee, said the negotiations held at the Paris Club to restore Egyptians’ money from the Iraqi side have seen “intransigence” on the part of the Iraqi side.