Saturday, September 21, 2024


White Bloc calls for unifying efforts to render Arab summit successful

BAGHDAD / The White al-Iraqiya Bloc on Monday urged Iraqi political blocs to set their differences aside and unify efforts to render the Arab summit, slated for late March in Baghdad, successful. “Holding the Arab summit in Baghdad is a historic opportunity in itself.It will pave the way for Iraq to assume a distinguished position on the Arab arena and become an active and key decision maker in the Arab world”, the bloc said in a statement, received by news agency. The bloc voiced regret over the Iraqiya List‘s wish to impose its political differences on the Arab summit, stressing that any such differences are purely domestic issues that can be discussed at a national meeting without any foreign interference. Earlier in February, Arab League Deputy Secretary General Ahmed bin Helli announced during his visit to Iraq that Baghdad will host the Arab summit on March 29. The Arab summit was initially scheduled to be held in Baghdad in 2011, but was postponed to March 2012 due to the unrest in the region. SH (TS)/SR 1123