Monday, September 30, 2024


Investment best solution for electricity crisis, says MP

 Investment best solution for electricity crisis, says MP

Investment best solution for electricity crisis, says MP

Baghdad ( The head of the Oil and Energy Committee in Parliament, MP Adnan al-Janabi, assured that “The best solution to fill in the shortage in producing electric power is through referring this sector for investment,” noting that “The Committee has already presented a proposal to the Minister of Electricity over this issue, but the minister refused to refer electricity for investment.”

The Iraqiya Slate’s MP said in a statement to Iraqi News ( on Tuesday “The former Minister of Electricity Karim Wahid refused the proposal of Committee related to referring the electricity projects for investment companies and he was dismissed later because he could not improve the production of power,” stressing that “The current Minister might be investigated, too.”

“Every year, we either investigate or dismiss the minister of electricity due to lack of electricity power and failure of the Ministry to provide power for the citizens,” he confirmed, emphasizing that “The only way to wattle the case of electricity shortage is referring the projects of electricity for investment.”