Monday, September 23, 2024


Official: Number of Syrian refugees passes 3,000 in Anbar

 Official: Number of Syrian refugees passes 3,000 in Anbar

Official: Number of Syrian refugees passes 3,000 in Anbar

Anbar ( The Emigration Department in Anbar province announced that the number of the Syrian refugees who have arrived in Anbar province reached more than 3,000 refugees.

The head of the Emigration Department in the province stated to Iraqi News ( “The Syrian refugees who arrived through al-Qaim border inlet till Monday noon are more than 3020 refugees, most of them are women and children.”

“Anbar Provincial Council is taking some procedures such as filling security applications by the Syrian refugees in order to transfer them to al-Qaim camp which is 5 KM from Ramadi city,” he concluded.

Earlier, the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki asked the Governor of Anbar, Qasim al-Fahdawi, to transfer the Syrian refugees from al-Qaim camp to one of the residence camps in Ramadi city which was supposed to be granted to the employees of the province.