Sunday, September 22, 2024


Nusayif criticizes parliament silence towards performance of Iraqi-Kuwaiti Committee

Baghdad ( MP, Aliya Nusayif, of the Iraqiya Hurra bloc showed surprise over the silence of the Legislative Authority towards the performance of the Iraqi-Kuwaiti Committee which is formed to settle the pending issues between the two countries.

In a press statement received by on Friday, She said “In spite of performing many procedures by the Committee without notifying the parliament, but we did not witness any explanation by the Committee over the latest updates of its performance.”

“The silence of the Legislative Authority might be a cause to legalize the Kuwaiti violations on Iraq and we might be surprised by Kuwaiti calls to regain some Kuwaiti rights in Iraq,” she added.

It is worth mentioning that that an Iraqi-Kuwaiti Committee, comprising the ministers of the Finance, Interior, Foreign Affairs and Transportation in addition to some advisors and legal experts, to settle the pending issues between Iraq and Kuwait after the invasion of the previous regime to Kuwait in 1991.