Monday, September 30, 2024


MP: Static security plans consolidate terrorism

 MP: Static security plans consolidate terrorism

MP: Static security plans consolidate terrorism

Baghdad ( MP, Falah Zidan, member of the Security and Defense Committee stressed “Running the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Interior by Acting Ministers in addition to the static security plans which lasted for many years consolidated terrorism.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “Among the main problems between the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, and the other blocs is running the security Ministries by Acting Ministers.”

“The two Ministries should change their plans and depend on the intelligence efforts because the lack of these efforts leads to the security breaches,” he added.

“Keeping the same security leaders in their posts for a long time resulted in their disability in presenting anything,” he mentioned.

“Some of the names of the security leaders were sent by Maliki to the parliament for a vote; yet, these names were brought back to Maliki to vote on them inside the Council of the Ministers then to be sent for the parliament,” he concluded.