Monday, September 30, 2024


Sadrist MP calls Parliament to hold urgent session over Iraqis in Syria

 Sadrist MP calls Parliament to hold urgent session over Iraqis in Syria

Sadrist MP calls Parliament to hold urgent session over Iraqis in Syria

Baghdad ( MP Hussein Al-Mansouri of the Ahrar Bloc called upon the parliament to hold an urgent session to discuss the situation of Iraqis in Syria.

He said in a statement to Iraqi News ( Saturday that “It is necessary to hold an emergency session for the parliament as soon as possible and can even be an evening meeting to consider the fate of innocent Iraqis who are on the borders.”

MP Mansouri said that “It is essential to accelerate the process of transferring all Iraqis at the borders by faster means because the government procedures can transfer nearly four thousands per day, while the number of Iraqis stuck in Syria is more than 250,000 persons which will take a longer time to transfer them all.”

He added that “The ministries of transport, immigrants and displaced persons have to take all possible means to transport Iraqis who are either on the borders or still in the Syrian cities.”

The Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has called on Iraqis in Syria to return to their country with honor except those who were involved in terrorist activities.