Friday, September 20, 2024


ISA: Governments support violence actions in Syria aim to create sectarian sedition

Baghdad ( The Iraqi Scholars Assembly called the governments which support violence in Syria “to stop immediately and give the Syrians the opportunity to decided their own destination.”

A statement issued by the Iraqi Scholars Assembly to, cited that ”The ISA, headed by Sheikh Khaled al-Mula, has warned the governments which support violence from creating sectarian sedition between the people of Syria.”

The statement added that ”Although we recommend all the political reforms, we condemn the terrorist operations which targeted Syria and we call the governments, which support the terrorist groups, to let the Syrians to choose their political affiliation.”

The Syrian Capital Damascus witnessed suicide bombing targeted the building of the Syrian National Security during a meeting for the ministers and security leaders resulted in killing Syrian Defense Minister and the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army as well as the brother in law of the Syrian President in addition to injuring the Interior Minister and the head of the Intelligence Department.

Meanwhile other Syrian cities suffering of violence in addition to popular demonstration and protests calling to bring down the current Syrian regime.