Monday, September 30, 2024


MP rules out investigating Maliki in parliament

 MP rules out investigating Maliki in parliament

MP rules out investigating Maliki in parliament

Baghdad ( MP, Ziyad Tharib, of the Iraqiya Slate ruled out “Investigating the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, in the parliament,” clarifying that “The reason is that the blocs are studying the reforms proposal presented by the Political Reforms Committee within the Iraqi National Alliance.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “We call the Committee to set time limits for applying these reforms in order not to be delayed like the former agreements.”

He added “The issue of investigating Maliki is a constitutional issue that must be accepted by all sides and it does not necessarily mean dismissing him because MPs will decide about this case.”

“Due to the initiatives conducted to correct the path of the political process, the attempt of the investigation will be postponed,” he stressed.

“We are waiting for the reforms proposal to be presented to the IS as we are waiting for applying them in reality according to a limited span of time,” he concluded.