Monday, September 30, 2024


IS confirms intention to investigate Maliki in Parliament

 IS confirms intention to investigate Maliki in Parliament

IS confirms intention to investigate Maliki in Parliament

Baghdad ( The Iraqiya Slate confirmed during its meeting held on Monday its intentions to “investigate the Premier Nouri al-Maliki and settle the request of withdrawing confidence from the Deputy Premier Salih al-Mutleg presented by PM Maliki to the parliament for a vote.”

A statement by the Spokesperson of the IS, Maysoun al-Damlouji cited Monday “The meeting of the Slate was chaired by MP Adnan al-Janabi and revolved on discussing different issues for the benefit of the citizens and consolidate democracy in Iraq.”

“The attendees confirmed their intention to investigate PM Maliki according to constitution,” she added, noting that “They also reviewed several law drafts waiting in the parliament such as the amendments of the Provincial Councils’ elections.”

She assured that “The attendees of the meeting stressed the importance of settling the case of the Deputy PM Salih al-Mutleg who is still forbidden from practicing his tasks for more than six months.”