Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq’s Kurdistan authorities lift taxed from Iranian veggies

SULAIMANIYA / Iraq’s Kurdistan authorities on Thursday announced it abolished taxes over fruits and veggies imported from Iran due to shortage in the Kurdish enclave. “The Finance Ministry of Kurdistan region, based on a request from the Agricultural Ministry, will abolish taxes imposed over fruits and veggies, other than cucumber, imported from Iran,” Fuad Khalil, chief of Agricultural Department in Garmian region. “The cucumber was excluded due to its abundant production in the region,” he noted. “The decision was made due to shortage of fruit and veggies production during winter and to avoid any rises in prices that might affect the market,” he explained. Garmian region is newly administrative region established by Kurdistan government. It includes districts of Khanaqin, Kifri, Kallar, and Chamchamal. AM (S)/SR  1