Sunday, September 22, 2024


Mustafa warns from intended attempts to degrade parliament

Baghdad ( MP, Latif Mustafa, of the Change (Taghyeer) bloc pointed out “There is an intended attack against the parliament in order to degrade it.”

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he stated “There is a very large level of corruption in Iraq which makes it within the top ten corrupted countries in the world, but if we compare the corruption within the parliament to that of the Council of Ministers and other ministries, it will be the least.”

“The media did not consider the corruption in the governmental institution, but it considers the corruption of the parliament and exaggerate it just like the issue of the armored vehicles,” he added.

“There is a serious attack against the parliament which got in the trap by voting over the armored vehicles which was well exploited to increase the public anger against it,” he concluded.