Wednesday, September 25, 2024


IIP condemns terrorist bombings in Karbala, Diwaniya

 IIP condemns terrorist bombings in Karbala, Diwaniya

IIP condemns terrorist bombings in Karbala, Diwaniya

Baghdad ( The Iraqi Islamic Party called “The Iraqis to confront the plots of the terrorists who target the Iraqis’ security.”

In a statement received by, the IIP condemned “The terrorist bombings in Karbala and Diwaniya which resulted in killing and injuring dozens of civilians.”

“The timing of these bombings has certain aims that are known by all sides that stood behind them,” the statement added.

“The IIP called the security forces to keep on alerted to preserve the citizens’ lives,” the statement concluded.

Four bombings took place all over Iraq killing and injuring dozens of citizens on Tuesday morning where a car bomb and an Improvised Explosive Device went off in Karbala in addition to a car bombing in Diwaniya city as well as a double explosion in Taji area of northren Baghdad and an IED explosion in Ghazaliya area of western Baghdad.