Monday, September 23, 2024


Musawi: Nijaifi neglected neutrality by signing Erbil, Najaf proposals

 Musawi: Nijaifi neglected neutrality by signing Erbil, Najaf proposals

Musawi: "Nijaifi neglected neutrality by signing Erbil, Najaf proposals"

Baghdad ( MP, Salman al-Musawi, of the State of Law Coalition “The performance of the legislative authority is deviated from the neutrality.”

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said “According to the constitution, the parliament should be neutral to settle the political disputes.”

“The Speaker, Osama al-Nijaifi, became a way from the neutrality when he signed the Erbil and Najaf proposals,” he added.

“The violations committed by the executive authority were discussed in the Parliament but the violations committed by Kurdistan Region and some other provinces were ignored,” he remarked.

“It was supposed to discuss all the problems in one time rather than discussing the problems related to one side and neglecting others,” he concluded.