Saturday, September 28, 2024


PLC completes discussing Parties Law to be submitted in Thursday’s session

 PLC completes discussing Parties Law to be submitted in Thursday’s session

PLC completes discussing Parties Law to be submitted in Thursday\

Baghdad ( MP Hassan al-Fatlawi, of the Citizen Bloc, member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee said that “The Committee completed discussing the law draft of the Parties in its final form and it will be submitted to the Parliament within its current legislative term to be read, on Thursday session or in the next week.” Fatlawi added “Parties Law is among the important laws in the political process.” “There is no democracy without political parties so this law will regulate the work of these parties and that it is significant and essential issue for supporting the democratic actions in Iraq,” he added. He expressed his “Hope to reach agreement among the blocs over the Oil and Gas Law which is very important for the Iraqi economy.” It is scheduled to hold a session of the Parliament on Thursday to discuss and read a number of laws. It is worth to mention that the Parties Law draft has been criticized by some politicians where some MPs believed that this law is derived from the Egyptian law and it did not take into consideration the change in circumstances between Iraq and Egypt while others slammed it since it did not take advantage of the experiences of other democratic countries.