Sunday, September 22, 2024


Al-Sadr denies offending Kuwait

 Al-Sadr denies offending Kuwait

Al-Sadr denies offending Kuwait

Najaf ( The leader of the Sadr Trend denied criticizing or offending the State of Kuwait.

During his respond to a question raised by one of his followers over his answer on statement given by an extremist Islamist criticizing the visit of Muqtada al-Sadr to Kuwait, Muqtada al-Sadr said “I have not spoken badly about Kuwait because it a dear neighboring country for Iraq which was badly affected by the policies of the former regime who has been toppled to leave us live in peace and brotherly with our neighbors,” noting that “If some of my followers have criticized Kuwait, then allow me to send them to Kuwait to apologize directly to the people of Kuwait.”

“The extremist also accused me of interfering in the Syrian affairs through supporting the Syrian Regime, and hereby I reiterate that I and the Sadr Trend have not interfered in the Syrian affairs since I support the people without distinction,” al-Sadr added.

Al-Sadr called the Kuwaiti extremist MP, who criticized Sadr’s visit to Kuwait, to visit Najaf and be his guest.

The leader of the Sadr Trend has visited Kuwait on last Monday and met the Kuwaiti Emir Sabah al-Ahmed Al-Sabah and discussed with him Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations and regional developments.

Sadr’s visit to Kuwait was faced by severe criticism from several Kuwaiti MPs who accused Sadr of offending Kuwait and supporting the Syrian Regime against the Syrian People.