Monday, September 30, 2024


URGENT – Majority within Nineveh PC rejects Maliki’s request to dismiss Governor

 URGENT – Majority within Nineveh PC rejects Maliki’s request to dismiss Governor

URGENT…Majority within Nineveh PC rejects Maliki\

Nineveh ( The majority within Nineveh Provincial Council voted on rejecting the request of the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, to dismiss the Governor, Athil al-Nijaifi, on Tuesday.

The member of Nineveh Fraternity Slate, Durman Khtari, stated to “Nineveh Fraternity Slate in addition to al-Hadba Slate rejected Maliki’s request to dismiss Nijaifi.”

“The Justice and Reformation Movement, Izidi and Shabak Quota and the Iraqi Islamic Party withdrew from the session to express their objection as they called to investigate Nijaifi,” he concluded.