Sunday, September 22, 2024


MP calls Maliki to clarify his double-dealing with MPs

 MP calls Maliki to clarify his double-dealing with MPs

MP calls Maliki to clarify his double-dealing with MPs

Baghdad ( MP, Mohamed Ridha al-Khafaji, of Ahrar bloc called “The Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, to clarify the issue of his double-dealing with the MPs.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “Maliki has two contradicted ways of dealing the MPs,” noting that “the first way is to reveal corruption files condemn some MPs and to accuse some other MPs with terrorism while he is granting privileges to other MPs especially those who are from the southern and central provinces.”

“Maliki granted job opportunities and projects as well as vehicles to some MPs in these provinces,” he added.

He called “Maliki to deal neutrally with the MPs.”