Friday, September 20, 2024


Negroponte, Crocker leave Kurdistan

ARBIL / U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte and Ambassador Ryan Crocker left Arbil city, wrapping up a few-hour visit to the capital of Iraq’s Kurdistan, the head of the region’s presidency office said on Sunday. “Negroponte and Crocker left Arbil at a late hour on Saturday night after they had met with the region’s president, Massoud Barazani, and discussed several issues with Kurdish leaders, most prominently the security agreement between Iraq and the United States,” Fouad Hussein told Hussein did not disclose the officials’ scheduled destination. Yesterday, the two officials visited the provinces of Sulaimaniya, Kirkuk and Arbil, where they met with President Jalal Talabani, Barazani and several senior local officials to discuss issues of mutual concern. A source from Kirkuk’s provincial council said that the two officials met with heads of Kurdish blocs, Kirkuk governor and several lawmakers and politicians. The source noted that the meetings focused on the security situation and provincial council elections, particularly in Kirkuk city. On Friday evening, the U.S. embassy in Baghdad said that Negroponte arrived in Baghdad on an unannounced visit to Iraq for talks with officials on political, security and economic progress in Iraq. SS (S) 1