Friday, September 20, 2024



BAGHDAD/ Following is a summary of news reports posted until 04:00 p.m. Baghdad local time Monday: . Security: NINEWA – An improvised explosive device went off near a Turkish truck in northern Mosul on Monday, leaving no casualties, an official source in the Iraqi army said.   DIALA – Policemen in Diala province captured three gunmen who were planting an improvised explosive device (IED) near a village south of al-Saadiya, the district chief said on Monday.   NINEWA – A merchant was killed inside his store by unidentified gunmen in western Mosul city on Monday, a police source in Ninewa said.   DIALA – Diala policemen freed a man taken hostage during a search raid in the district of Baaquba on Monday, the province’s police chief said.   BAGHDAD – The Iraqi Ministry of Interior has launched investigations into cases of 48 media personnel, who were subjected to physical liquidation or acts of violence, the director of the ministry’s National Command Center said.   BAGHDAD – Unidentified gunmen on Monday detonated the house of a displaced family in al-Jamea neighborhood, western Baghdad, leaving no casualties, Iraqi security sources said.   NINEWA – A policeman was killed and another wounded in an armed attack by an unidentified group on a security patrol in western Mosul city on Monday, a police source in the province said.   DIWANIYA – Al Fatla tribe on Monday condemned a raid by emergency police forces on the house and guesthouse of its chieftain’s brother, describing the operation as an attempt to stir sedition.   DIALA – A joint force from the Iraqi army and U.S. troops captured on Monday two women and one man inside a house in Jalawlaa district with an amount of weapons and explosives in their possession, a security official in Diala province said.   NINEWA – A military force on Monday arrested a gunman of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq group in Talafar district, Ninewa province, an Iraqi army source said. . Politics:   BAGHDAD – The Iraqi Parliament on Tuesday will debate the representation of minorities in the provincial council elections law that was unanimously voted upon before the Eid al-Fitr (Lesser Bairam) holiday.   ARBIL – Iraqi President Jalal Talabani will leave for the city of Arbil on Monday to meet Iraqi Kurdistan region President Massoud Barazani, the region presidency’s media spokesman, Faysal al-Dabbagh, said.   BAGHDAD – Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Rafie al-Issawi arrived in Diala province on Monday, leading a government delegation, and held a series of meetings with officials in the province, according to a statement by Issawi’s office.   BAGHDAD – An Iraqi newspaper on Monday gave prominence to the Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affair Ahmed Aboul al-Gheit’s visit to Iraq, with other newspapers criticizing the Iraqi government for its alleged failure to tackle corruption in the country.   BAGHDAD – Iraqi Parliament Speaker Mahmoud al-Mashhadani on Monday left for Tehran leading a parliamentary delegation on a one-day official visit to Iran, scheduled later to leave for Syria to attend the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union (AIPU).   NINEWA – Ninewa Governor Dreid Kashmoula received on Monday U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte and took up together the political scene in Iraq in general and Ninewa in particular.   BAGHDAD – The Arab League’s mission to Iraq will arrive in Baghdad on Monday to undertake its work, an under-secretary of state for foreign affairs said.   ARBIL – Iraqi President Jalal Talabani arrived in Arbil, the capital of the autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan Region, on Monday and held a meeting with the region’s president, Massoud Barazani, an informed source said. . Economy:   BAGHDAD – The Egyptian Ministry of Oil expressed its willingness to help modernize Iraq’s oil capabilities, an official Iraqi spokesperson said.   WASSIT – Wassit’s first center for training businessmen and traders has been inaugurated