Tuesday, September 24, 2024


SJC: Hashimi’s trial to be resumed next Wednesday

 SJC: Hashimi’s trial to be resumed next Wednesday

SJC: Hashimi\

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) The Supreme Judicial Council assured that “The trial of the Judicially wanted Vice-President, Tariq al-Hashimi, will be resumed in absentia on next Wednesday.” The Spokesperson of the SJC, Abdul Sattar Bayrakdar, said “Hashimi’s trial in absentia will be held tomorrow Wednesday as scheduled with the attendance of media outlets.” Concerning the possibility of postponing the trial, Bayrakdar clarified “The issue of postponing the session is to be decided by the SJC,” rejecting to confirm or deny the attendance of the Hashimi’s defense team lawyers. The Vice President Tareq al-Hashimi has departed to Kurdistan Region in last December 2011, from which he departed to Turkey where he lives currently under the protection of Turkish government which has announced on the lips of the Prime Minister Erdoghan, its refusal to hand Hashimi, declaring that it will continue in supporting him. Some Turkish officials announced that they will not respond to the red notice which was issued against Hashimi by the INTERPOL on last May 18. Hashimi is being sued in absentia for his refusal to appear in front of the Iraqi Judicature over three crimes which will be dealt with in one case under charges of supporting terrorism. Hashimi’s trial has started on last May, 15 by the Central criminal Court and launched the second session on 20, the same month, while the third session was on June 2 where it specified 19th June, for resuming the next session.