Monday, September 30, 2024


MP: Talabani refusal to topple Maliki related to personal relations,interests

 MP: Talabani refusal to topple Maliki related to personal relations,interests

MP: Talabani refusal to topple Maliki related to personal relations,interests

Baghdad ( MP, Haval Sayid, of the Change bloc attributed “The refusal of the President, Jalal Talabani, for the request of withdrawing confidence from the Premier, Nouri Maliki, to presonnal relationships and interests between the two. Sayid said “Talabani’s post as a President is strongly tied to Maliki’s post as a Premier so if the latter toppled from his post then Talabani will be toppled as well. Hence there is a relationship based on personal interests between them.” It is mentioned that the request to withdraw confidence from the PM Maliki failed because Talabani announced on June, 9, that the number of the signatures reached only (160), noting that this is less than the required number of (163), where he emphasized again the necessity to hold the national meeting.