Saturday, September 21, 2024


Wardi: Qaeda adoption for Wednesday bombings aims at creating sectarian sedition

 Wardi: Qaeda adoption for Wednesday bombings aims at creating sectarian sedition

Wardi: Qaeda adoption for Wednesday bombings aims at creating sectarian sedition

Baghdad ( MP, Liqa Wardi, of the Iraqiya Slate pointed out that “Adopting the bombings that took place in Baghdad and other provinces on last Wednesday and claiming that these came to support Sunni sect aims at creating sedition among sects.”

She stated to “Qaeda does not represent the Sunni sect, which is away from the Wahhabi attitudes,” noting that “These bombings intended to support terrorism while the Sunni sect support moderation and balance.”

The militant group of Islamic State of Iraq, which is related to al-Qaeda Organization, claimed on last Saturday, responsibility for bombings and the armed attacks that took place in Baghdad and other eight provinces on last Wednesday.

They described these attacks as “An assault to support the Sunni sect in Iraq,” according to internet websites.

Baghdad and other provinces witnessed about 30 attacks with car bombs, Improvised Explosive Devices, on last Wednesday, that resulted, according to statistics prepared by, in killing and injuring 345 civilians as well as pilgrims heading to visit the Holy shrine of Imam Musa Bin Jaafar al-Kadhum.