Friday, September 20, 2024


Mashhadni to Tehran talks on security deal

TEHRAN / Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, on Tuesday said that his current visit to Tehran will focus on the security agreement that is scheduled to take place between Iraq and the United States. “The program of the visit is based on an exchange of views on the Iraqi-U.S. security agreement,” Mashhadani said in an exclusive statement to following his arrival in Tehran. Mashhadani pointed out that it is significant to know Iran’s stance on the matter, arguing that it influences the national security of neighboring countries, with particular reference to Iraq. “It is necessary to know their opinion before taking decisions, especially that negotiations are over…,” Mashhadani added. Earlier today, Mashhadani left for Tehran aboard an aircraft sent by the Iranian side to avoid problems that occurred on Monday, according to an Iraqi lawmaker. On Monday, Iranian ambassador in Iraq Hassan Kadhemi Qomi offered an official apology to Mashhadani for the “technical reasons” behind Iran’s refusing permission to let his plane land in Khomeini Airport in Tehran. Mashhadani headed back home to Baghdad and postponed his scheduled official visit to Iran. Iran insisted that Mashhadani was still welcome to visit. SS (S) 1