Sunday, September 22, 2024


Sadr: Government should protect people as it Protects IZ

 Sadr: Government should protect people as it Protects IZ

Sadr: Government should protect people as it "Protects IZ"

Najaf ( The head of the Sadr Trend, Muqtada al-Sadr, condemned the terrorist attacks took place in Baghdad and other provinces on Wednesday.

A statement issued by his office cited “We condole ourselves for these terrorist attacks that resulted in killing and injuring dozens of civilians, asking God to bless our martyrs.”

“We call the politicians to avoid the disputes especially the Iraqi Government which should protect the citizens as it protects the International Zone,” the statement added.

“The government should scarify and defend the people rather than the opposite,” the statement concluded.

Baghdad and other provinces witnessed about 30 attacks with car bombs, Improvised Explosive Devices, on last Wednesday, that resulted, according to statistics prepared by, in killing and injuring 345 civilians as well as pilgrims heading to visit the Holy shrine of Imam Musa Bin Jaafar al-Kadhum.