Monday, September 30, 2024


IS accuses Maliki of alienating lands, waterways to some neighboring countries

 IS accuses Maliki of alienating lands, waterways to some neighboring countries

IS accuses Maliki of alienating lands, waterways to some neighboring countries

Baghdad ( The spokesperson of the Iraqiya Slate, Haider al-Mula, accused the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, of alienating some lands and waterways to the neighboring countries to support him and his party.

In a press statement, he added “The IS has always diagnosed Maliki’s unconstitutional attempts to keep authority after rejecting him popularly.”

“Among these accusations are his attempts to create a sectarian conflict among the Iraqi sects trying to show himself as the preserver of the Kurds and the Arabs’ rights,” he added, stressing that “He forgot that he participated in writing the constitution and setting Article 140 of the constitution in addition to conducting the secret deals to keep his post.”

“Maliki, in his last visits to the neighboring countries, has alienated some lands and waterways without consulting the Iraqi people in order to keep his post and get the support of those countries,” he concluded.