Monday, September 30, 2024


Nineveh Governor: Supporting demonstrations to Maliki in Mosul set by SLC

 Nineveh Governor: Supporting demonstrations to Maliki in Mosul set by SLC

Nineveh Governor: Supporting demonstrations to Maliki in Mosul set by SLC

Nineveh ( Nineveh Governor, Athil al-Nijaifi, described the demonstrations supporting the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, that started in Mosul city as “Organized by some sides of the State of Law Coalition.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The participants in the demonstrations which reject toppling Maliki did not exceed dozens and they do not represent the citizens of Mosul, but they represent some sides from the SLC.”

“These demonstrations are considered as a reaction to the meeting of the Iraqiya Slate that was held in Nineveh to topple Maliki,” he added.

Dozens have demonstrated on Monday in Mosul to reject toppling Maliki where this is the second demonstration after the first one that started on Saturday.