Monday, September 30, 2024


Massari: All blocs have files against Maliki to reveal in next parliament session

 Massari: All blocs have files against Maliki to reveal in next parliament session

Massari: All blocs have files against Maliki to reveal in next parliament session

Baghdad ( MP, Ahmed al-Massari, of the Iraqiya Slate assured “All the political blocs have files against the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, and they intend to reveal them against him in the parliament investigation session.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The investigation process will be done in a very simple way by requesting Maliki to attend the parliament session,” noting that “If he does not attend, another call will be made.”

“If Maliki does not attend for the second time, the parliament will vote to withdraw confidence from him,” he added.

“Talabani mentioned that the number of signatures reached (160) and this is a good testimony that we feel proud of since the Iraqiya Slate managed to collect this number despite threats and presures practiced on blocs to prevent collecting signatures,” he added, assuring that “The real number passed (170) signatures.”