Monday, September 30, 2024


Signing request of withdrawing confidence from Maliki by INA MPs violates INA’s bylaw, says MP

 Signing request of withdrawing confidence from Maliki by INA MPs violates INA’s bylaw, says MP

Signing request of withdrawing confidence from Maliki by INA MPs violates INA\

Baghdad ( MP, Karim Alewi, of the Iraqi National Alliance described “Supporting the attempt of withdrawing confidence from the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, by some MPs from INA violates the bylaw of the INA.” Alewi stated to that “Signing the request of withdrawing confidence from the Prime Minister by some figure from the INA is considered as a violation to its bylaw and its resolutions.” It is mentioned that Ahrar Bloc of the Sadrist Trend, within the INA has declared that all its 40 MPs signed on the withdrawing proposal. Those signatures have been submitted to the President Talabani who in turn decided to form a presidential committee to check the validity of them after Maliki disbelieved the accuracy of these signatures.