Monday, September 30, 2024


Jouburi reveals demands submitted to Maliki by twenty MPs

 Jouburi reveals demands submitted to Maliki by twenty MPs

Jouburi reveals to demands submitted to Maliki by twenty MPs

Baghdad ( MP, Omer al-Jouburi, of the Iraqiya Slate revealed that the demands submitted by the twenty MPs to the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, to settle the crisis.

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The most important demands submitted to Maliki were neglecting some decisions of the Justice and Accountability Committee, return the former officials of the Iraqi Army in addition to developing the project of the national reconciliation to be the national forgiveness.”

“The MPs requested to respect the constitutional timings to apply the article (140) of the constitution which has finished since the 31st of July 2007,” he added.

“The attendants have called to eliminate the unemployment due to its negative affects on the scientific and educational levels,” he added.

“Withdrawing confidence from Maliki is not suitable at the present time because Iraq needs the support to build its governmental institutions and return to the issue of withdrawing confidence when Iraq is stable and safe,” he concluded.