Monday, September 30, 2024


MP: Events of Rusafa aim at pressurizing Sadr Trend

 MP: Events of Rusafa aim at pressurizing Sadr Trend

MP: Events of Rusafa aim at pressurizing Sadr Trend

Baghdad ( MP, Yuosif al-Tayi, confirmed that “The events of Rusafa prison on Tuesday aim at pressurizing the Sadr Trend to change its stance from the attempt of withdrawing confidence from the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The process of transferring the prisoners to the place as planned by the Ministry of Justice was postponed due to the political crisis.”

“This process was random, confused and vague,” he added.

“Most of the prisoners rejected moving to another place because the prison is full of services and it has enough space for them,” he concluded.

Earlier, a huge fire broke out in Rusafa prison in al-Baladiyat area of northeastern Baghdad on Tuesday.

Official source from the prison stated to “A special security force raided the prison and attempted to move the prisoners to unidentified place but the Administration of the prison rejected.”

“The force tried to move the prisoners by force which resulted in hand clashes between the force and the prisoners,” the source added.

“The conditions are still tensed in the prison where the prisoners lighted the fire in the prison to protest the attempt for moving them to unidentified place,” the source concluded.