Monday, September 30, 2024


MP criticizes accussing IS of Being behind disputes

 MP criticizes accussing IS of Being behind disputes

MP criticizes accussing IS of "Being behind disputes"

Baghdad ( MP, Mohamed Iqbal of the Wasat Alliance within the Iraqiya Slate assured “Limiting the crisis to one figure is not fair,” noting that “Iraqis are waiting for better performance from the politicians because the current crisis is the results of many wrong basis on which the State was built after 2003.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “Accusing the IS of being behind the crisis is an escape from the responsibility.”

“The Iraqi National Alliance is responsible of a great part of the crisis,” he stressed, adding “It is not logical to ignore the fact the country is run through the policy of political accord.”

“The media statements over the expected chaos after withdrawing confidence from the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, are exaggerated because this attempt is a democratic step granted by the constitution,” he mentioned.

“The IS reminds the political blocs that Iraq is larger than any political figure or side and all sides should preserve the political process through adopting the partnership,” he concluded.