Saturday, September 28, 2024


IS MP: Erbil meetings aim to create sectarian, racial conflict

 IS MP: Erbil meetings aim to create sectarian, racial conflict

IS MP: Erbil meetings aim to create sectarian, racial conflict

Baghdad ( MP, Omer al-Jouburi, of the Iraqiya Slate stated “The meetings in Erbil province, among the IS, the Kurdistani Alliance and the Sadr Trend to topple the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, aim at creating a sectarian and racial conflict.”

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he stated “The aim of the attendees of these meetings is to create the political conflicts in order to gain the personal benefits,” noting that “The IS that accuses Maliki of monopolizing authority has more than twenty ministries in the government, but they aim to get the Council of the Strategic Policies which is no longer required by the Iraqi people.”

“Most of the attendees of Erbil meetings have no public support and they aim to weaken the government,” he added.

“Withdrawing confidence from the government does not require many meetings and it can be done either by the Parliament or by the President but with an investigation session,” he pointed out, assuring that “Current time is not suitable to withdraw confidence from the government.”