Friday, September 27, 2024


Maliki, Kirkuk PC members discuss services in province

 Maliki, Kirkuk PC members discuss services in province

Maliki, Kirkuk PC members discuss services in province

Baghdad ( The Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, and the members of Kirkuk Provincial Council discussed the security situation and the services presented to the province.

A statement by Maliki’s office cited “Maliki received a delegation involved a number of MPs, PC members and tribal figures from Kirkuk in his office in Baghdad on Saturday,” noting that “Maliki confirmed the importance of settling all the problems that Kirkuk suffers from.”

“He assured the necessity of adhering to the constitution to settle all the disputes in the province,” the statement added.

“For their part, the members of the delegation expressed their opposition to the attempts that aim at weakening the central government,” the statement concluded.

Nineveh was the third province in which the Council of Ministers held its session after Basra and Kirkuk provinces within a governmental plan to discuss the services in the provinces with the local officials.