Saturday, September 28, 2024


Mayahi: White bloc not to vote on withdrawing confidence from Maliki

 Mayahi: White bloc not to vote on withdrawing confidence from Maliki

Mayahi: White bloc not to vote on withdrawing confidence from Maliki

Baghdad ( The leader within the White bloc, MP Aziz al-Mayahi, confirmed “The White bloc will not vote for withdrawing confidence from the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, in the parliament.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “White bloc is confident that the current stage requires keeping PM Maliki in his post,” noting that “Away from the political disputes, withdrawing confidence from Maliki will result in political vacuum.”

He assured “The current stage is dangerous due to the regional challenges and the white bloc will stand against any step that will destabilize the political situation.”

Mayahi called moderate MPs to avoid following the leaders of their political blocs who seek acheiving their interests.”

After its meeting held on last Friday evening, the Iraqi National Alliance confirmed that “The national meeting will result in settling the political crisis,” calling “The political sides to conduct a responsible dialogue.”

According to the political norms, INA declares its rejection to the calls of Erbil and Najaf meetings for withdrawing confidence from the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, through confirming its adherence to the national meeting.

The spokesperson of the IS, Maysoun al-Damlouji, stated to “We managed to get the required signatures to withdraw confidence from Maliki,” noting that “The MPs’ signatures were collected from all the blocs.”

It is worth mentioning that Kurdistan Region witnesses political movement to settle the crisis; among the solutions presented by the political sides in Kurdistan Region is to withdraw confidence from the government.