Friday, September 20, 2024


2 killed, 11 wounded in Iraq violence until Sunday afternoon

BAGHDAD / Two people were killed and eleven others wounded in acts of violence in different areas of Iraq during the period between Thursday evening and Sunday afternoon, security sources told In Diala, a police source said that suspected al-Qaeda gunmen clad in Iraqi National Guard uniform raided a house in al-Mansouriya, al-Muqdadiya district, east of Baaquba city, on Sunday, killing a woman, wounding three young girls and kidnapping another. In Baghdad, a security source said policemen found an unidentified body of a man in his 50s inside an empty house. In western Mosul city, a police source said an improvised explosive device went off in al-Khadraa neighborhood, leaving a child wounded, while another IED blast in al-Risala neighborhood, also in western Mosul, left a woman wounded. In eastern Mosul, an Iraqi soldier was wounded when his patrol came under a sniper fire attack in al-Tahrir neighborhood. Diwaniya, south of Baghdad, an Iraqi military source said an IED went off near a U.S. patrol in the Ghammas-Shamiya intersection, in the western part of the province, leaving two patrolmen wounded and damaging their military vehicle. Brig. Sarhad Qader, the Kirkuk Districts’ Police Department chief, said an IED went off on Sunday in central al-Huweija, southwest of Kirkuk, leaving three civilians injured. Meanwhile, security sources said 65 persons were detained during that period in the cities of Basra, Mosul and Baaquba. AmR (S)/SR 1