Saturday, October 5, 2024


Othman urges to hold national meeting soon

 Othman urges to hold national meeting soon

Othman urges to hold national meeting soon

Baghdad ( MP, Mahmoud Othman, of the Kurdistani Alliance assured that “The consultative meetings held among the political sides over the political crisis took a long time.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “It is time for holding the national meeting, which the President, Jalal Talabani, called for, to discuss all the pending issues according to the constitution and the former agreements.”

“The common points among the political blocs are more than the disputes,” he stressed.

“If the current situation continues, then we have either to form a government of political majority to conduct early parliamentary elections,” he concluded.

The political crisis witnesses escalation despite the continuous calls for holding the national meeting which the President, Jalal Talabani, called for to settle the current political crisis.