Sunday, September 22, 2024


Wardi expects Erbil Monday meeting to be Decisive

 Wardi expects Erbil Monday meeting to be Decisive

Wardi expects Erbil Monday meeting to be "Decisive"

Baghdad ( MP, Liqa Wardi, of the Iraqiya Slate called “The political leaders who will meet in Erbil on Monday to take decisive resolutions during their meeting which is expected to be held on Monday evening.”

She stated to Iraqi News ( “If the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, conducted reformations in the way of manipulating the State, these sides will not withdraw confidence from him,” wondering “Whether the State of Law Coalition will adhere the results of Erbil and Najaf meetings.”

“The political blocs want guarrantees for avoiding monopolization and exclusion,” she mentioned, expecting “Erbil Monday meeting to be decisive if there are no reformations in the political process.”