Sunday, September 29, 2024


MP criticizes placing Maliki’s pictures at security checkpoints

 MP criticizes placing Maliki’s pictures at security checkpoints

MP criticizes placing Maliki\

Baghdad ( MP, Waleed Aboud al-Muhamadi, of the Wasat Alliance within the Iraqiya Slate criticized placing the pictures of the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, at the security checkpoints,” describing it as “Uncivilized phenomenon.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “We want to build the new Iraq for all Iraqis and those who assume the rule currently will leave tomorrow.”

“This phenomenon remind us of the policies of the former regime where the pictures of the President spread every where even inside the houses,” he mentioned

“This indicates that the security forces are loyal to a person rather than to the homeland,” he added, calling to “Place only the Iraqi flag at the checkpoints.”