Friday, September 20, 2024


Local authorities announce implementation of water treatment project in Diwaniya

DIWANIYA/ Diwaniya local authorities on Sunday announced completion of a $ 2.7 million water treatment project in the southern province. “The $ 2.7 million project was implemented by a local company under supervision of Contracts Department in Diwaniya local Council,” Hazim Omran, Diwaniya deputy governor for technical affairs, told “The project was the biggest to be implemented in the province according to modern technical specifications through the region development budget,” Omran noted. “The production capacity of project is about 1000 cubic metre per hour, which would end the water shortage in a number of the province districts,” he added. Diwaniya, the capital city of Diwaniya, known for growing rice and agricultural crops, lies 180 km south Baghdad. AM(S) 1