Saturday, September 21, 2024


Talabani, Russian Ambassador review regional, international political updates

 Talabani, Russian Ambassador review regional, international political updates

Talabani, Russian Ambassador review regional, international political updates

Baghdad ( The President, Jalal Talabani, stressed, during his meeting with the Russian Ambassador Baghdad, Iraq’s desire to consolidate bilateral relations with Russia.

A Presidential statement cited “Talabani received the Russian Ambassador to Iraq and the members of the Russian Embassy,” noting that “Both sides assured the importance of developing relations in all levels to serve the interests of the two countries.”

“For his part, the Russian Ambassador confirmed that Russia is looking for upgrading the cooperation and the deep relations with Iraq,” the statement added.

The statement mentioned “Both sides reviewed the international and regional political updates.”

“The Ambassador assured the Russian support for Iraqis and the political process, praising Talabani’s role in settling the disputes,” the statement concluded.