Friday, September 20, 2024


KA MP: Political majority government could not be formed in Iraq

 KA  MP: Political majority government could not be formed in Iraq

KA  MP: Political majority government could not be formed in Iraq

Baghdad ( MP, Mahdi Haji, of Kurdistani Alliance said “The Iraqi National Alliance with all its sides in cooperation the rest of the political parts can settle the political crisis by eaching agreement with the State of Law Coalition and by persuading the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, to settle the disputes rather that forming a government of political majority.” Haji added “The majority government cannot succeed in Iraq especially if we know that there are political agreements among the political blocs,” noting that “The Constitution emphasized on the partnership among all blocs in managing the State.” “There are no fixed reliable institutions as in other countries such as Spain, Italy, and Germany which can form a government of majority because they have stable institutions that can run the country correctly,” he concluded