Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqiya Hurra bloc expresses refusal for withdrawing confidence from Maliki

 Iraqiya Hurra bloc expresses refusal for withdrawing confidence from Maliki

Iraqiya Hurra bloc expresses refusal for withdrawing confidence from Maliki

Baghdad ( The Iraqiya Hurra bloc confirmed its support for the attitude of the Arab MPs in Kirkuk, Nineveh and Diyala provinces concerning thier refusal to withdraw confidence from the PM, Nouri al-Maliki, describing this stance as “An attitude that emerges from the bloc’s concerns towards the unity and cohesion among the Iraqis away from ethnic and sectarian tendencies.” A statement by the bloc cited “Signing of our bloc’s members on the statement issued by the Arab MPs of Kirkuk, Nineveh and Diyala in which they announced their refusal to withdraw confidence from the Premier Maliki, resulted from the fear from sectarianism and regionalism attitudes that dominate certian provinces, especially of what some calls as “disputed areas.” “It is time to bring the country out of this state of turmoil and terminate the crisis which is renewed at each elections round,” the statement added. The statement referred that “The democracy and pluralism are great accomplishments achieved by the national elites, however the abuse of democracy prepares an opportunity for some sides to creat crisis after crisis to obstruct the State’s institutions and their work.”