Sunday, September 22, 2024


Nusaiyf calls Kuwait to cancel claim against Iraqi Airways

 Nusaiyf calls Kuwait to cancel claim against Iraqi Airways

Nusaiyf calls Kuwait to cancel claim against Iraqi Airways

Baghdad ( MP, Aliya Nusaiyf, of the Iraqiya Hurra bloc called the Kuwaiti authorities to cancel the claim against the Iraqi Airways.

In a statement received by on Saturday, she stated “The issue about the Iraqi Airways was settled between Iraq and Kuwait and a satisfactory result was achieved about it, but the claim against the Iraqi Airways is still raised.”

She expressed surprise over “Not submitting any good intentions by Kuwait regarding the settled issues between the two countries such as the Airways and other issues where Kuwait quickly submit claims against Iraq and do not do not treat the settled issues seriously.”

It is worth mentioning that Kuwait got a decision from a British court to restrain all the possessions and planes of the Iraqi Airways due to the taking over of the previous regime to the planes Kuwait Airways while investing Kuwait in 1990.