Saturday, September 28, 2024


Latif rules out withdrawing confidence from Maliki after Mutleg’s return

 Latif rules out withdrawing confidence from Maliki after Mutleg’s return

Latif rules out withdrawing confidence from Maliki after Mutleg\

Baghdad ( The former MP, Wael Abdul Latif, ruled out withdrawing confidence from the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki after the return of the Deputy PM, Salih al-Mutleg to his post.

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he stated “I do not expect that the confidence will be withdrawn from Maliki after the end of the limited time set by the Sadr Trend due to Mutleg’s return.

“The impact of the Sadr Trend and the retreat of the Iraqiya Slate about its attitude in addition to the split within the Kurdistani Alliance, where some wants to withdraw the confidence and others do not want to, reduced the chances to withdraw confidence from Maliki,” he added.

“The Iraqi people will keep watching holding the national meeting and what the political blocs will discuss,” he pointed out, calling to “Broadcasting the national meeting live to stop the political deals in Iraq.”

The head of Sadr Trend, Muqtada al-Sadr, has participated in Erbil meeting which involved the President, Jalal Talabani, the Speaker, Osama al-Nijaifi, the President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, and the as well as the head of the Iraqiya Slate, Ayad Allawi, to discuss the political crisis.

The participants in the meeting sent a letter, including nine items, to the Iraqi National Alliance requesting Maliki to apply them within fifteen days otherwise they will withdraw confidence from him.