Saturday, September 28, 2024


Naqshabandi: Maliki’s visit to Kirkuk increases disputes

 Naqshabandi: Maliki’s visit to Kirkuk increases disputes

Naqshabandi: Maliki\

Baghdad ( The leader within the Iraqi Islamic Party, Baha al-Din al-Naqshabandi stated “The Prime Minister’s visit to Kirkuk increased the disputes among the political blocs and added one more problem to the current ones.”

“The IIP calls the political blocs to be reasonable and conduct dialogue,” he added, assuring that “Erbil agreement must be applied because it is the only solution to end this conflict.”

It is worth mentioning that the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, has arrived to Kirkuk province on Tuesday and held the meeting of the COM there to discuss its issues and the means to settle them.